About Kore

Working on Kore in my spare time is going well. It's a fun project and I really like the idea itself. It (or at least the ideas driving it) inhabits both the the fitness and social media spaces, and just like Remark, it gets my wheels turning.

We have just under 30 folks signed up for it as of today, though I wouldn't say they are "active users". They simply got tapped on the shoulder by Kailee or I and agreed to sign up and (in most cases) integrate Strava so we could begin working on the algorithms that drive the social and connection features of Kore.

It's an exciting time, because as an amateur athlete (previously cycling, currently mostly weightlifting), I have a direct hand in building features found in similar platforms (e.g. Strava)—which is fun by virtue of the learning and doing parts—but I also get to think up new ideas for the social and connection features of the platform.